U.S.S. SEA DEVIL Association Business Meeting
held in Mystic, CT ~ Thursday, 25 April 2024.
THANK YOU to James Walker, Homer Waters
and the entire planning committee for
THANK YOU Susan & Homer Waters for taking and recording the following minutes:
May 2, 2024
Attended: Open Meeting Led by 2024 Commander James Walker
Called to Order: 9:36am
- Next Reunion in 2026 suggestions were Annapolis, Savannah, Virginia Beach, Kings Bay, Myrtle Beach. Discussion ensued to report 90 attended 2024 while 114 crew attended in Williamsburg, . VA in 2022.
- Mark Mosher volunteered to become the Commander if it was held in Virginia Beach, VA. It was voted on by a majority in the affirmative.
- Vice Commander was volunteered by Mark Kirlough. It was voted on by a majority in the affirmative.
- Treasurer was volunteered by Kevin Klager. It was voted on by a majority in the affirmative.
- Discussion on the timing of the next reunion. Mid-May keeping in mind graduations, Mother’s Day, etc. Research into best timing was suggested.
- Discussion as to the bell from the U.S.S. Sea Devil 400 and it’s possession and management resulted in the fact that Chief Mickey Martin has custody at this time. Stanley Earl offered to take the bell to the next reunion if Chief Mickey can not and Mark Mosher offered to be the alternative to Stanely Earl if he can not. The understanding is the when there is no long a Sea Devil Reunion the bell will be returned to the Styles family.
- Homer read the email from Bill Emley and his daughter who offered to develop a professional Event Planner for the U.S.S. Sea Devil Reunions. The plan will be tailored just for the group which will own the plan. The offer was free to the Leadership which they will work in conjunction with. Mark Mosher requested information be sent to him.
- Shout out was given to Chief Mickey and Ruth as well as James Walker.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:00am.
Respectfully submitted by
Homer Waters
** As of this publication, the Secretary seat is open. **
There was no nomination made nor did anyone volunteer for the position.
The main responsibilities will be handled by Ed Lynd, Information Officer/Webmaster