U.S.S. SEA DEVIL Association Treasurer's Report
submitted by Master Chief Mickey Martin:
5 JULY 2022
Start Funds available; 5/8/2020, $8,845.47
Reunion seed funds; 5/9/2020, $2,000.00
Reunion advance funds; 4/24/2022, $5,000.00
Reunion excess funds; 7/05/2022, $4,440.23
Final funds available; 7/05/2022, $6,285.70
U.S.S. SEA DEVIL Association Meeting Minutes,
Williamsburg, VA . Sunday, 8 May 2022.
Business Meeting Called to order @ 1000 / 20 Crew Members in attendance
Each attending crew member will be asked to send 6 photos to a common site (such as ‘Snapfish’) that Skip Short will specify. These will then be screened and assembled into a photo book that the crew can then print or download.
It was stated that the positions for Association Officers were open for nomination or for crew members to volunteer for a position:
A. The following positions were volunteered for:
a. Commander:
James Walker volunteered for the position
b. Vice-Commander:
Dennis Dougherty volunteered to remain in the position
c. Treasurer:
Mike Martin volunteered to remain in the position
d. Secretary:
Mike Brekke volunteered for the position
B. There was no opposition, so the positions are as stated above, effective until the conclusion of Sea Devil Reunion XI.
C. The following crew members volunteered to be a part of the support staff:
a. Mark Kirlough,
b. Skip Short,
c. Mark Mosher,
d. Ed Lynd,
e. Al Paulson
f. William A. (Bear) Emley volunteered after the Association Business Meeting in a telecom with Skip Short
Brief Treasurer Report:
A. Drawn from the account for SDR X: -$7000
B. Current Balance: $1,845
C. Skip’s Sea Devil Account Balance: $2,689.18
D. Donations made during SDR X: $1,867
i. Booze Kitty: $557
ii. General Raffle: $880
iii. Quilt Raffle: $430
E. Current Funds (based on above): $6,401.18
F. More detailed report to follow. (There are still some requests for refunds and unpaid registrations.)
Crew members that committed to events and did not cancel prior to the event will not be able to receive a refund, as that money was spent. The one exception to this rule is the Jamestown Settlement, where we were able to receive a refund for no-shows. Shipmates will receive a refund for this event upon request.
The following locations were suggested and voted on for SDR XI :
A. First Round of votes:
a. Cleveland - 6 votes
b. Pensacola - 6 votes
c. Memphis - 8 votes
d. N. Jacksonville - 9 votes
e. New London - 12 votes
B. A second vote was taken for the 2 top contenders:
a. N. Jacksonville - 7 votes
b. New London - 11 votes
D. “The Committee” will establish the Dates, Hotel Accommodations, and Agenda and when the information is available, it will be disseminated to the crew by postings on the website www.seadevilssn664.org along with the Sea Devil FB page and via “All Hands” email broadcasts.
a. In choosing the date, the committee will attempt to:
1) Avoid Mother’s Day
2) Avoid other major celebrations
3) Be aware of general weather conditions
Keeper of the Sea Devil Plaque: John Herweg
The meeting was adjourned at 1044
BRAVO ZULU to Skip Short and the SDR X Committee - WELL DONE !
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