Third reunion, held in Charleston.
April 22, 2007
Meeting Minutes
By Jim Schenk , Secretary
31 total Persons Present:
10:00 a.m….Meeting called to order by Commander Mike Cohen .
Treasurer’s Report is estimated at around $2,500.00 by Mike Martin , and will be later published on the website as refunds and pay-outs pending are finally disbursed.
There was no old business to bring to the table.
New Business:
Commander Cohen thanked the body present for the honor of being Commander for the past two year period, and thanked all hands that were instrumental in bringing this Sea Devil Reunion #3 together.
Mike Martin was voted in as new Commander of the Association for the next two-year interval.
Discussion on the next reunion venue.
Admiral Fountain noted that there should be a bigger push to bring in outlanders, and to have plans set for the next reunion one year in advance of the event, to provide time for the dissemination of upcoming reunion information and to allow prospective attendees to plan ahead in a more orderly and timely manner. We seem to lose attendance of some parties due to not enough advance notice.
Mike Martin vowed to get an early start on the next reunion with membership help.
Someone suggested that the Association should plan 2 reunions ahead.
Mike Cohen stated that wherever the reunion is voted to be held it should be somewhere with a naval, nautical, and maritime theme. The boat was stationed in Norfolk and Charleston and remain prime venues.
Lew Bearden noted that hotels routinely schedule events three and four years in advance.
Mickey noted that we should schedule our reunion to be held after Easter, but not coincident with the Submarine Ball as was a previous Sea Devil Reunion.
Homer Waters noted that if we ever decided to have the reunion in New London , CT , that there are crewmembers already there to aid in planning. Some others showed interest in this venue.
Motion made, seconded, and carried by voice vote to have the 2009 Reunion in Norfolk , VA at the same venue as Reunion 2003, and 2005, at the Lake Wright Hotel complex. The date is yet to be determined by the Association Officers.
Discussion was made to push for our Master List to be filled in better, by members helping to find those still missing. We may have as many as three hundred yet to find.
Bruce Brown noted that we should have better internet website community security to help curb and eliminate recent unwanted spam.
Mike Cohen noted that we should in the future utilize our website more and have more information posted there.
Steve Oscher noted that commissioning Captain Currier is a current board of directors member of the St. Mary’s Museum in Georgia and it would be fitting for our Association to pledge a donation to that august group. This action could be viewed as a challenge to other boats and organizations to help this struggling and important museum.
Admiral Fountain moved to donate $500.00 from our Association funds to St. Mary’s and include any other donations by our membership. The motion was seconded by Jim Schenk , and carried unanimously.
Treasurer Mike Martin noted that the checking account for the Association is in the name of USS SEA DEVIL REUNION
Jim Schenk was nominated to continue as Association Secretary, seconded, and carried unanimously, after Jim volunteered.
Mike Cohen was nominated to be Association Vice Commander, seconded and carried unanimously.
Mike Wheeler was nominated to continue as Association Chaplain, seconded and carried unanimously.
Mike Martin was nominated to continue as Association Treasurer, seconded and carried unanimously.
Ed Lynd was nominated, (in absentia and previously volunteered) to continue as Association Information Officer and website manager, seconded and carried unanimously.
George Boyle was nominated, (in absentia and previously volunteered) to continue as keeper of the Association Master List of members.
Jim Schenk noted that there are no 637 Class museum boats yet and asked for support to get USS PARCHE designated as the first since she is the most decorated US Fast Attack boat to date and the last of the 637 Class to be decommissioned, before she too becomes ultimately recycled at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.
Someone noted that the Sea Devil sail planes are planted upright in a park in Florida with other SSN fairwater planes and there is a similar sister park on the west coast.
Foreseeable problems include finding a city that would come up with the hard cash to sponsor and manage such a site, and the ever present problem of inherent trace nuclear radiation, as well as getting the Navy to release the boat.
Lew Bearden noted that his neighbor in the Annapolis area, being affiliated with the Washington Navy Yard, may have some input to this potential quandary and will speak with him.
Lew Bearden will work to try to get more spooks to attend the next reunion as they have thus far been in poor attendance, and missed by the membership.
10:34 a.m.
There was a motion to adjourn until the next reunion, seconded, and passed.
The meeting was adjourned following a closing prayer by Chaplain Wheeler.
30 December, 2007:
This will be a brief "All Hands" to update you on the latest reunion developments and to help us maintain the Master Roster that George Boyle maintains for the Sea Devil Association. Attached, for your planning, is the final information on the tours to be offered during the reunion . We have attempted to tailor the tours to maximize the time on site at each tour's principal attractions. We hope that you will enjoy any of the tours that you participate in. We will be sending the registration information package out in August, 2008 in order for you to have plenty of time to register for the April 23-26, 2009 reunion. The particulars of the reunion venue were contained in the June 14, 2007 "All Hands" and can also be found on the Association website at We encourage you to visit the website regularly to keep abreast of the most up to date reunion developments. As always, if you are in contact with any Sea Devil shipmates, please make sure that their address is registered with George Boyle. Also check the "Missing Mates" section of the website to help locate more of our shipmates and have them contact George. George can be reached at, or (850) 492-3781 or 2541 Tarkiln Oaks Dr., Pensacola, FL 32506-8133. If you change any of your address information, please contact George so we don't have to hunt you down. We would like to take this time to wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again in Norfolk. Less than sixteen months to go. Let's make this the biggest and best reunion we have ever had!Michael "Mickey" MartinSea Devil 70-73mikemartin@firstva.com2542 Deep Creek RoadPalmyra, VA 22963-4619(434) 589-8298
14 June, 2007
This "All Hands" is provided for advanced planning by our Shipmates to allow us to achieve maximum attendance at the April, 2009 reunion. A registration package will be sent out about August, 2008 and will include all the necessary information including tour times and prices. All hotel/banquet prices have been negotiated and are fixed.
Well guys, it is never too early to start planning and saving for the next reunion. We are going to try to make the 2009 reunion the biggest and best we have had. With 22 months advance notice, we are hoping to far exceed the attendance of any of the previous reunions.
I would ask that all of you contact any Sea Devil sailors that you may know of and put out the word. Forward any contact information to our keeper of the roster, George Boyle at George can also be reached at (850) 492-3781 or 2541 Tarkiln Oaks Dr., Pensacola , FL 32506-8133. If you change your e-mail or snail mail address be sure to let George know your new address so we don't have to hunt you down.
Treasurer's Report, 6/1/2007
ACCOUNT BALANCE 11/29/2006: $2,017.17
(Includes $40 donations & Ship’s Store sales)
TOTAL $10,349.95
MAILINGS: $74.34
BANQUET MEALS: $3,779.00
TOURS: $2,176.00
DONATION: $500.00 (St. Mary’s Submarine Museum)
TOTAL $7,244.85
AT REUNION: $411.95
ON 4/25/2007: $974.19
TOTAL $1,386.14
ACCOUNT BALANCE, 6/01/2007: $1,718.96
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